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Department of Applied Sciences and Mathematics, Abu Dhabi University College of Arts and Sciences
P.O. Box 59911, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Haydar Akca, Professor
Aims and Topics of the Conference:
The main aim of this conference is to provide impetus, motivation and to bring together researchers and scientists working in the fields of Dynamical Systems and Applications by providing a forum for the academic exchange of ideas and recent research works.
The proposed technical program of the conference will include contributed talks and keynote lectures.
The areas of interest include but are not limited to:
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Difference Equations and Applications
Analysis and Applications
Applied Mathematics and Dynamical Systems
Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Functional Equations
Integral Equations
Inequalities and Inclusions
Differential Games
Control Theory, Probability, Statistics
Stochastic Processes
Quantum Theory
Relativity and Gravitational
Fluid Mechanics
Theory of Integral and Differential Operators
Fractional Calculus
Special Functions
Generalized Functions
Mathematical Programming and Optimization
Approximation Theory
Numerical Analysis for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations
Numerical Methods in Complex Analysis
Numerical Methods in Linear Algebra
Numerical Simulation
Interval Arithmetic
Information Systems
Software Engineering Software Technology
System Theory and Theory of Data
Programming and Image processing
Discrete Mathematics
Applications in Mechanics
Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Technolgy
Economics and Industrial Problems.
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