Department of Applied Sciences and Mathematics, Abu Dhabi University College of Arts and Sciences
P.O. Box 59911, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Haydar Akca, Professor
Akca H., An algorithm for the numerical solutions of second order Euler type differential equations, Proceedings of Numerical Analysis, METU, and Ankara, (1983), 58-64.
Akca H., Application of discretization methods in oscillation and comparison theorems, Bulletin of Erciyes University Faculty of Science, 2 (1986), 371-377.
Akca H.,The friendship of Sturm and Liouville, Bulletin of Erciyes University Faculty of Sciences, 2(1986), 143-154.
Akca H., On the oscillatory type solutions of y““= f( x, y, y‘, y“) and linear multi-step method for the numerical solutions, Pure and Applied Mathematics Sciences, 2(1988), 1-8.
Akca H., Mathematical Modelling: The relation among success, work and adaptability of a student, Applied Mathematics Notes Canadian Math. Soc.13 (1988), 46-50.
Akca H., and Micula G., Approximate solutions of the second order differential equations with deviating argument by spline functions Math. Revue d‘Analyse Numerique, 30(1988), 37-46.
Akca H. and Micula G., Numerical solutions of differential equation with deviating argument using spline functions, Studia Mathematica, 2 (1988), 45-57.
Akca H., Oscillation Criterion for certain second orders differential equations, ICTP, IC-90-286, 1990.
Akca H., Mathematical Model: Preserving environment, Journal of Engineering and Sciences, Naval Academia, 25(1990), 35-41.
Akca H., and Micula G., Numerical solutions of systems of differentia equations by spline functions Babes-Bolyai University Research Seminar, (1990), 93-104.
Akca H., and Micula G., Numerical solutions of differential equation of the order with deviating argument by spline functions, Bulletine of University Baia Mare Serial B Vol. VII, (1991), 47-54.
Akca H., and Micula G., Numerical solutions of system of differential equations with deviating argument by spline functions, ACTA Technical Napocensis, 35(1992), 107-116.
Akca H., Micula G., and Dag I., Approximate solutions of the second order differential equations with deviating argument by deficient spline functions, Automation Computers Applied Mathematics, 2(1992),87-93.
Akca H., Bainov D. and Dimitrova M.B., Asymptotic properties of the solutions of a class of operator-differential equations, Yokohama Mathematical Journal 42(1994), 133-149.
Akca H., FORTRAN 77, Students Text Book in Turkish, Akdeniz University Publishing Center, No. 54, 1994.
Akca H., Micula G. and Guary U., Continuous approximate solution to the neutral delay differential equations by a simplified Picard’s Method, Studia Mathematica 4 (1994), 69-78.
Blaga P., Micula G. and Akca H., On the use of spline functions of even degree for the numerical solution of the delay differentia equations CALCOLO 32(1995), No: 1-2 83-101.
Akca H., Micula G. and Arslan G., Deficient spline approximation for second order neutral delay differential equations, Studia Mathematica, 40 (1995), 85-97.
Akca H., Shakhmurov V., and Arslan G., Differential –Operator equations with bounded delay, Nonlinear Study, 2(1995), 179 –190.
Akca H., Berezansky L. and Braverman E., On linear integral differential equations with integral impulsive conditions Zeitschrift fur Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 15(1996), No: 3, 709-727.
Blaga P., Micula G. and Akca H., The numerical treatment of delay differential equations with constant delay by neutral spline functions of even degree, Liberta Mathematica, Vol.XVI (1996), 123,131.
Byszewski L., and Akca H., On a mild solution of a semi linear functional-differential evolution nonlocal problem, J. Applied Mathematics.Stoch. Analy. 10:3 (1997), 265-271.
Akca H., Step By Step Statistics, Students Text Book, 1997.
Akca H., Covachev V., and Litsyn E. (Eds.) Abstract Book of the Functional Differential Difference Equations,18-22 , Antalya, August 1997.
Heikkila S., and Akca H., On discontinuous implicit functional differential equations with implicit boundary conditions, Preprint, Mathematics, University of Oulu (1998), 21pp.
Byszewski L., and Akca H., Existence of solutions of a semi linear functional-differential evolution nonlocal problem, Nonlinear Analysis, 34(1998), 65-72.
Akca H., and Covachev V., Periodic solutions of impulsive systems with delay, differential equations, Functional Differential Equations, No. 3-4. 5(1998), 275-286.
Akca H., Maksimov V. I. and Berezansky L., On dynamical reconstruction of a pair “control-trajectory” in a system unresolved with respect to derivative, Functional Differential Equations, No. 1-2, 5(1998), 3-19.
Akca H., Berezansky L. and Breverman E., On oscillation of a linear delay integro-differential equation Dynamic System and Applications 8(1999), 219 -234.
Akca H. and Micula G., Approximate solutions of the differential equations with delay, nonpolynomial spline functions Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Vol. 42, No: 4 (1999), 293-300.
Ashyralyev A., Akca H., and Guray U., Second order accuracy difference scheme for approximate solutions of delay differential equations, Functional Differential Equations Vol. 6(1999), No: 3-4, 223-231.
Akca H., Covachev V., and Litsyn E., (eds.), Proceedings of The International Conference: Biomathematics Bioinformatics and Applications of Functional Differential Difference Equations, Antalya, July 14-19, 1999.
Akca H., and Covachev V., Periodic solutions of impulsive systems with periodic time-dependent perturbed delays, Proceedings of The International Conference: Biomathematics Bioinformatics and Applications of Functional Differential Difference Equations pp: 65-76, Akdeniz University, Antalya, July 14-19, 1999.
Ashyralyev A., and Akca H., On difference schemes for semi linear delay differential equations with constant delay, Proceedings of the Conference TSU: Actual Problems of Applied Mathematics, Physics and Eng. Ashgabat, (1999), 18-27.
Ashyralyev A., Akca H., and Byszewski L., On a semi linear evolution nonlocal Cauchy problem, “Some Problems of Applied Mathematics, Edited by A. Ashyralyev and H.Ali Yutrseven, Fatih University, ISBN: 975-303-003-7, 21(2000), 29-44.
Akca H. and Heikkila S., On impulsive linear delay differential equations in the ordered Banach spaces, Proceedings of the International conference of “Distributed Systems: Optimization and Economic-Environmental Applications” (DSO’2000), I.I.Eremin, I. Lasiecka, V.I.Maksimov, (Eds.). Publisher: Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, (2000), 78-85.
Haydar Akça, Valéry Covachev, Periodic solutions of linear impulsive systems with periodic delays in the critical case, Third International Conference on Dynamic Systems & Applications, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1999, eds. G.S. Ladde, N. G. Medhin and M. Sambandham. Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 3 (2001), pp. 15-22.MR 2002h:34136 (MR 2002f:00017 for the collection)
Covachev V., Akca H., and Yenicerioglu F., Difference approximations for impulsive differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 121, (2001), 383-390.
Akca H., Covachev V., Periodic solutions of linear impulsive systems with periodic delay in the critical case, Proceedings of Dynamic Systems & Applications Vol. III (2001), 15-23.
Ashyralyev A. and Akca H., Stability estimates of difference schemes for neutral delay differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 44 (2001), 443-452.
Akca H., and Covachev V., Delay differential equations: mathematical modelling in medicine and periodic solutions of impulsive systems with periodic delays in the critical case, Mathematics and Design 2001: The Third International Conference, Deakin University, and Geelong, (2001), 448-461.
Akca H., Boucherif A., Covachev V., Impulsive functional-differential equations with nonlocal conditions, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 29:5 (2002) 251-256.
Boucherif A., and Akca H., Nonlocal Cauchy problems for semi linear evolution equations, Dynamic System and Applications 11 (2002), 415-420.
Ashyralyev A., Akca H. and Yenicerioglu F., Stability properties of difference schemes for neutral differential equations, Differential Equations and Applications, Editors: Y.J., Cho, J.K., Kim and K.S. Ha, Nova Science Publishers, New York Vol. 3 (2003), 57-66.
Valéry Covachev, Zlatinka Covacheva, Haydar Akça, Eada Ahmed Al-Zahrani, Almost periodic solutions of neutral impulsive systems with periodic time-dependent perturbed delays, Central European Journal of Mathematics, 1 (2003), No. 3, 292-314. MR 2004f:34108.
H. Akça, V. Covachev and E. Al-Zahrani, On existence of solutions of semilinear impulsive functional differential equations with nonlocal conditions, Recent Advances in Operator Theory, Operator Algebras, and Their Applications, 1-11, Operator Theory Advances and Applicatons, 153, Birkhäuser, Basel, 2005.MR 2005h: 34158 (MR 2005g:00017 for the collection).
Covachev V., Akça, H. and E. Ahmed Al-Zahrani, Periodic solutions of neutral impulsive systems with periodic time-dependent perturbed delays, International Journal Functional Differential Equations, Vol. 10, 3-4 (2003), 441-462.
V. Covachev, H. Akça, Z. Covacheva and E. Al-Zahrani, A discrete counterpart of a continuous-time additive Hopfield-type neural networks with impulses in an integral form, Conference on Differential Equations and Applications (Žilina, Slovakia, 2003), Studies of the University of Žilina Mathematical Series, 17 (2003), 11-18. MR 2005e: 39028.
Akca H. and Covachev V. (eds.), Abstract Book of the International Conference: 2004-Dynamical Systems and Applications, July 05 -10, 2004.
Haydar Akça, Rajai Alassar, Valéry Covachev, Zlatinka Covacheva and Eada Al-Zahrani, Continuous-time additive Hopfield-type neural networks with impulses, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 290 (2004), No. 2, 436-451. MR 2004k: 34102
Akca H., Alassar R., Covachev V., Covacheva Z., Discrete counterparts of continuous-time additive Hopfield-type neural networks with impulses, Dynamic Systems and Applications, Vol. 13, ( 2004 ), 75-90.
Valéry Covachev, Haydar Akça and Yaqoub Mustafa Shebadeh, Periodic solutions of the discrete counterpart of an impulsive system with a small delay, in: 2004 - Dynamical Systems and Applications, eds. Haydar Akça, Abdelkader Boucherif, Valéry Covachev, GBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2005, pp. 282-294.
Haydar Akça, Rajai Alassar, Yaqoub M. Shebadeh and Valéry C. Covachev, Neural networks: Modelling with impulsive differential equations, in: 2004 - Dynamical Systems and Applications, eds. Haydar Akça, Abdelkader Boucherif, Valéry Covachev, GBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2005, pp. 32-47.
Akca H., Boucherif A. and Covachev V. (eds.), Proceedings of The International Conference: 2004-Dynamical Systems and Applications, July 05-10, 2004.
Akca H., Rational difference equations and applications, Numerical Analysis and Optimization Days, Workshop, KFUPM, December 14, 2004, (Preprint).
Haydar Akça, Rajai Alassar, Valéry Covachev, H. Ali Yurtsever, Discrete-time impulsive Hopfield neural networks with finite distributed delays, International Symposium on Neural Networks and Soft Computing in Structural Engineering (Cracow, Poland, 2005), Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 14 (2007), No. 2, 145-158. MR 2008f:39003
Akca H., Alassar R., and V. Covachev Periodic solutions of discrete-time impulsive Hopfield neural networks with finite distributed delays, The Oriental Journal of Applied Mathematics, (submitted).
Akca H., Alassar R., and Covachev V. Stability of neural networks with time varying delays in the presence of impulses, Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications (ADSA), Volume 1 Number 1 (2006), pp. 1–15.
Haydar Akça, Valéry Covachev, Shebadeh Mustafa Yaqoub, Functional differential equations and applications, in: The Seventh Annual U.A.E. University Research Conference, Al-Ain, 2006, pp. SCI-167 – SCI-174.
Akca H., Impulsive difference equations and their applications, Proceedings of the 7th UAEU, Annual Research Conference, pp: SCI 231-SCI 246, 2006.
Akca H., Alassar R., and Covachev V., A Sort Tour on Approximation Theory: From Polynomials to Wavelets, Fourth UAE Math Day an Annual Celebration of Mathematics, The University of Sharjah, April 27, 2006, (Preprint).
Sannay M., Gopalsamy K. and Akça H., Exponential stability of artificial neural networks with distributed delays and large impulses, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Vol. 9,Issue 3, (2008), 872-888.
Akca H., Al-Lail M. and Covachev V., Survey on wavelet transform and application in ODE and wavelet networks, advances in dynamical systems and applications (ADSA), Volume 1, Number 2 (2006), 129-162.
Akca, H., and Covachev, V., Global exponential periodicity for discrete impulsive Hopfield neural networks, in The Seventh Annual U.A.E. University Research Conference, Al-Ain, 2008, pp. SCI-221 – SCI-235.
Haydar Akça, Valéry Covachev, Global exponential periodicity for impulsive Hopfield neural networks, in: The Eighth Annual U.A.E. University Research Conference, Al-Ain, 2007, pp. SCI-236 – SCI-243.
H. Akça, V. Covachev, Z. Covacheva, S. Mohamad, Global exponential periodicity for discrete-time Hopfield neural networks with finite distributed delays and impulses, in: Further Progress in Analysis, Proceedings of the 6th International ISAAC Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 13-18 August 2007, eds. H. G. W. Begehr, A. O. Çelebi, R. P. Gilbert, World Scientific, Singapore, 2009, pp. 635-644. MR 2010j:30001 for the collection.
Sannay Mohamad, Haydar Akça, Valéry Covachev, Discrete-time impulsive Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with transmission delays, in: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Mathematical Sciences – ICM 2008, pp. 1146-1164.
Mirela Popa, Haydar Akca, and Virgil Breaban, Wave forces related to waves conditions and structures characteristics, Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering Volume 1, Number 10, 27-34, 2008.
Hernandez Henriquez, Eduardo Hernandez M., and Haydar Akca, Global solutions for an abstract Cauchy problem with nonlocal conditions, Int. J. Mathematical Manuscript Vol. No: 1 (2007), 43-53.
Akca H., Covachev V., Sannay M., and Kumud Singh Altmayer Artificial neural networks and Hopfield type modeling, Second Arab Conference of Biophysics & Mathematical Modeling, August 21-23, 2007.
Haydar Akça, Valéry Covachev and Kumud Singh Altmayer, Exponential stability of neural networks with time-varying delays and impulses, in: The Sixth International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2009), Hongwei Wang, Yi Shen, Tingwen Huang, Zhigang Zeng (Eds.), Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 56, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009, pp. 153-163.
F. Cosmin, H. Akca and B. Virgil, Vulnerability and risk-Evaluation methods in civil engineering, Ovidius University Annals Series: Civil Engineering 10 (2008), 69-76.
Sannay Mohamad, Haydar Akça and Valéry Covachev, Discrete-time analogues of impulsive Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with transmission delays, International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, 1 (2008), No. 8, 124-143. MR 2010i:39020.
Akca H., On the concept of the stability of functional differential equations, proceedings of the 5th International Conference “Dynamical Systems and Applications” Ovidius University Annals Volume 1, Special Issue, 275-284, ISBN-1584-5990, 2009.
Akca H., V. Covachev and Zlatinka Covacheva, Almost periodic solutions of Hopfield neural networks with periodic time-dependent perturbed delays and impulses, in the Ninth Annual U. A. E. University Research Conference, April 21-23, 2008.
Akca H., Covachev V., Covacheva Z., and Mohamad S., Global exponential periodicity for the discrete analogue of an impulsive Hopfield neural network with finite distributed delays, Functional Differential Equations Volume 16, 2009 No 1, 53-72.
Haydar Akça and Valéry Covachev, Spatial discretization of an impulsive Cohen-Grossberg neural network with time-varying and distributed delays and reaction-diffusion terms, Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Ovidius” Constanţa, Seria Matematică, 17 (2009), No. 3, 15-26.
Sannay M., Akca H. and Covachev V., Discrete-time Cohen-Grossberg Neural networks with transmission delays and impulses, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 43 (2009), 145-161.
Akca H, Berezansky, L. and Maksimov V., On tracking trajectory and control of a linear hereditary system, Functional Differential Equations, Vol. 17, No: 1-2 (2010), 1-16.
Akca H., Covachev V., Altmayer Kumud Singh, Numerical-analytical method for periodic solutions of the impulsive differential equations with spline functions, International Journal of Mathematics and Computation (IJMC), Vol. 7(2010), 7-12.
Xiaodi Li and Akca H., Uniform stability of impulsive infinite delay differential equations with applications to systems with integral impulsive conditions, (to be appear).
Haydar Akça, Valéry Covachev, Zlatinka Covacheva, Impulsive Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with S-type distributed delays and reaction-diffusion terms, International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, 10 (2011), No. M11, 1-12.
Haydar Akça, Valéry Covachev and Zlatinka Covacheva, Almost periodic solutions of impulsive Hopfield neural networks with periodic delays, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, (2011), pp:11-22, ISBN,978-1-908106-14-8 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-908106- 18-6 (CD).
Akca H. and Covachev V., Impulsive Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with S-Type Distributed Delays, TATRA Mountains Mathematical Publications (Tatra Mt. Math. Publ.) 48(2011), 1-13.
Covachev V., Akca H. and Sarr Makhtar, Discrete-Time Counterparts of Impulsive Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks of Neutral Type, Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations 19 (2011) 345-360.
Xuling Wang, Xilin Fu, Haydar Akca, Xiaodi Li, Uniform stability in terms of two measures for impulsive functional differential equations with infinite delays, Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 1, Number 2, 2012, Pages 119-135.
Akca H., Benbourenane J. and Covachev V., Impulsive Delay Reaction-Diffusion Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Zero Dirichlet Boundary Conditions , Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 13 (Mathematical Applications in Engineering): 15-24, 2013, ISSN 1990-9233, © IDOSI Publications, 2013, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.13.mae.9997
Haydar Akca, Valery Covachev and Zlatinka Covacheva, Improved stability estimates for impulsive reaction-diffusion Cohen-Grossberg neural networks via Hardy-Poincare inequality, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 54 (2013), 1–18, DOI: 10.2478/tmmp-2013-0001 .
Stamova, I., Akca, H., Stamov, G., Qualitative analysis of dynamic activity patterns in neural networks, J. Appl. Math. ID 208517 (2011) doi: 10.1155/2011/208517.
Akca H. and Maksimov V., On tracking of a solution of parabolic variational inequalities, TWMS J. App. Eng. Math. V.2, N.2, 2012, pp. 185-194.
Xiaodi Li, Haydar Akca and Xilin Fu, Uniform stability of impulsive infinite delay differential equations with applications to systems with integral impulsive conditions, Applied Mathematics and Computation Volume 219, Issue 14, 15 March 2013, Pages: 7329–7337, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2012.12.033.
Xilin Fu, Xiaodi Li and Haydar Akca, Exponential state estimation for impulsive neural networks with time delay in the leakage term, , Arabian Journal of Mathematics- Springer, ( 2013), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp 33-49.
Akca H., Benbourenane J., and Covachev V., Existence theorem for semilinear impulsive functional differential equations with nonlocal conditions, International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Vol. 3, No.3, (2013), 182-187.
Xiaodi Li, Donal O’Regan, Haydar Akca, Global exponential stabilization of impulsive neural networks with unbounded continuously distributed delays, The IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, IMA , J Appl. Math (2013), doi:10.1093/imamat/hxt027 .
Gani Stamov, Haydar Akca and Ivanka Stamova, Uncertain Dynamical Systems: Analysis and Applications, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013 (2013), http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/863060.
Haydar Akca, Valery Covachev, and Zlatinka Covacheva, Discrete-Time Counterparts of Impulsive Hopfield Neural Networks with Leakage Delays, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Volume 47 2013, (2013) 351-358, Differential and Difference Equations with Applications Contributions from the International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications ISBN: 978-1-4614-7332-9 (Print) 978-1-4614-7333-6 (Online), http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4614-7333-6/page/2 Editors: Sandra Pinelas, Michel Chipot, Zuzana Dosla.
Chengyan Liua, Xiaodi Lia, Haydar Akca, Globally Exponential Stability of Impulsive Switched Systems with Continuously Distributed Delays , Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.5, Num. 2 (2014), 77-92.
Akca H., Benbourenane J., Covachev V., Global Exponential Stability of Impulsive Cohen-Grossberg-Type BAM Neural Networks with Time-Varying and Distributed Delays, International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics (IJAPM), Vol.4, No. 3, (2014), 196-200.
Akca, H., Covachev V., and Z Covacheva, Global Asymptotic Stability of Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks of Neutral Type, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 205, No. 6, (2015), 719-732, DOI 10.1007/s10958-015-2278-8.
Valery Covachev, Haydar Akca, Second Order Semilinear Impulsive Differential Equations with Nonlocal Conditions, European Advanced Studies Conference 2014, Symposium on Differential Equations and Difference Equations 2014.
Xiaodi Li, Jianhua Shen, Haydar Akca and R. Rakkiyappan, LMI-based stability for singularly perturbed nonlinear impulsive differential systems with delays of small parameter, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 250, (2015), 798-804.
Ivanka Stamova, Haydar Akca, and Gani Stamov , Uncertain Dynamical Systems 2014, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2014 (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/746741.
Haydar Akca, Valery Covachev and Zlatinka Covacheva, Second Order Semilinear Impulsive Differential Equations with Nonlocal Conditions 9th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of SIAM, (BGSIAM'14), 2015, ( 44-52).
Haydar Akca, Valery Covachev and Zlatinka Covacheva, Existence of a Mild Solution to a Second-Order Impulsive Functional-Differential Equation with a Nonlocal Condition, Pliska Studia Mathematica, 25 (2015), 101-110.
H. Akca, G. E. Chatzarakis, and I. P. Stavroulakis, An oscillation criterion for delay differential equations with several non-monotone arguments, Applied Mathematics Letters, Springer Elsevier Vol. 58., 2016, Applied Mathematics Letters 59 (2016) 101–108, PII: S08939659(16)30092-1 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aml.2016.03.013, www.elsevier.com/locate/aml
Haydar Akca, Jamal Benbourenane and Valery Covachev, Complex Harmonic Splines and Applications, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 99, Number 12, 1911-1920, (2016).
Haydar Akca, Makhtar Sarr, and Valery Covachev, Numerical Methods for Solution of Impulsive Differential Equations and Stability Analysis, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 99, Number 12, 1955-1970 (2016).
Akca H., V. Covachev and Z. Covacheva, Existence Theorem for A Second Order Impulsive Functional Differential Equations with A Nonlocal Condition, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Volume 17, (2016), 1-8.
Eadah Ahmad Alzahrani, Haydar Akca, and Xiaodi Li, New synchronization schemes for delayed chaotic neural networks with impulses, The Natural Computing & Applications, Springer (2016) 1-15, DOI 10.1007/s00521-016-2218-7.
Saule K. Janabekova, V. Kovachev, and H. Akca, Time-Periodic Solutions of a Problem of Phase Transitions, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Volume 99, Number 12, 1947-1953, (2016).
Haydar Akca, Eadah Al-Zahrani, Valery Covachev and Zlatinka Covacheva, Existence of Periodic Solutions for the Discrete-Time Counterpart of a Neutral-Type Cellular Neural Network with Time-Varying Delays and Impulses, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Int. J. Appl. Math. Stat.; Vol. 57; Issue No. 1; Year 2018, ISSN 0973-1377 (Print), ISSN 0973-7545 (Online), Copyright © 2018 by International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics.
Ram Jiwari, Mehmet Emir Koksal, and Haydar Akca, Recent Trends in Computational and Theoretical Aspects in Differential and Difference Equations, Hindawi Journal of Mathematics, Volume 2017, Article ID 3406716, https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/3406716.
S.T. Mukhambetzhanov, H. Akca and S. K. Janabekova, Mathematical Model of Filtration Theory in View of Mass Transfer Processes, The V. International Conference: Modern Problems of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology Al Khorezmiy 2016, Vol. 2, 426-436.
Xiaodi Li, Jianhua Shen, Haydar Akca and R. Rakkiyappan, Comparison Principle for Impulsive Functional Differential Equations with Infinite Delays and Applications, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 57 (2018) 309–321.
Jingting Hu, Guixia Sui, Haydar Akca, and Xiaodi Li, Stability of impulsive differential systems with state-dependent impulses via the linear decomposition method (Accepted going to appear in the Journal Nonlinear Sci. Appl.)
Ram Jiwari, Mehmet Emir Koksal and Haydar Akca, Recent Trends in Computational and Theoretical Aspects in Differential and Difference Equations, Journal of Mathematics, Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 3406716, 1-2. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/3406716
B. Al Qurashi, A. H. Kara and H. Akca, Image Processing and ‘Noise Removal Algorithms’-The PDEs and Their Invariance Properties & Conservation Laws, Acta Appl Math, DOI 10.1007/s10440-017-0125-2 Springer, Media B.V. 2017, 1-7.
G. Jayaparthasarathy, Haydar Akca and Jamal Benbourenane, A New Class of Weakly alpha-Generalized Closed Sets, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Int. J. Appl. Math. Stat.; Vol. 57; Issue No. 1; Year 2018,ISSN 0973-1377 (Print), ISSN 0973-7545 (Online), 145-153.
G. Jayaparthasarathy, Jamal Benbourenane and Haydar Akca, A class of ideal generalized closed sets, International Journal of Applied mathematics and Statistics, ISSN 0973-1377 (Print), ISSN 0973-7545 (online), Vol. 57, Issue No. 2, (2018), 65-71.
Aziz Khan, Hasib Khan, Tongxing, Haydar Akca, and Tahir Saeed Khan, Common fixed point theorems for weakly compatible self-mappings sustaining integral type contractions, International Journal of Applied mathematics and Statistics, ISSN 0973-1377 (Print), ISSN 0973-7545 (online), Vol. 57, Issue No. 2, (2018), 43-55.
B. Al Qurashi, A.H. Kara and H. Akca, Higher order conservation laws and integrability of some Timoshenko beam systems, International Journal of Applied mathematics and Statistics, ISSN 0973-1377 (Print), ISSN 0973-7545 (online), Vol. 57, Issue No. 2, (2018), 134-141.
G. Jayaparthasarathy and H. Akca, A weakly alpha-generalized closure and continuity, International Journal of Applied mathematics and Statistics, ISSN 0973-1377 (Print), ISSN 0973-7545 (online), Vol. 57, Issue No. 2, (2018), 125-133.